HackTheBox : Intelligence

13 min readJan 19, 2025


Intelligence is a Windows machine that showcases a number of common attacks in an Active Directory environment. After retrieving internal PDF documents stored on the web server (by brute-forcing a common naming scheme) and inspecting their contents and metadata, which reveal a default password and a list of potential AD users, password spraying leads to the discovery of a valid user account, granting initial foothold on the system. A scheduled PowerShell script that sends authenticated requests to web servers based on their hostname is discovered; by adding a custom DNS record, it is possible to force a request that can be intercepted to capture the hash of a second user, which is easily crackable. This user is allowed to read the password of a group managed service account, which in turn has constrained delegation access to the domain controller, resulting in a shell with administrative privileges.



Nmap TCP full scan
UDP scan


Here, we will first try to retrieve all DNS records using the following query :

Retrieving all DNS records

As you can see, the DNS server returns various records including SOA, A and AAAA. Furthermore, we can see a new domain dc.intelligence.htb that corresponds to the name server. Let’s add it to our hosts file.

Scenario : We have a nameserver and a domain name. With these two piece of information, we can try to perform a dns zone transfer using this query :

The zone transfer failed unfortunately.


In this section, we’re going to enumerate the web server using different techniques. First of all, let’s take a quick look at the main page of the website :

Main web page
Documents found

The web server is static. Indeed, it does not generate any dynamic content.

Let’s now try to crawl the website for interesting attack vectors.


In this section, we are going to use ReconSpider which is a crawler built by HackTheBox. A web crawler follows links from one page to another, collecting information such as emails, documents, javascript files, form fields, images, etc.

Launching ReconSpider against intelligence.htb

Once done, the crawler will generate a json file results.json that contains all the collected data.

Crawling intelligence.htb

Note : Crawling the website is really useful as it allows us to save huge amount of time. Indeed, it provides us with a global view of the website (urls, form fields, emails, external files) in just a few seconds.

From the output above, we retrieved two pdf documents. Let’s take a look at their content to see if we can find anything valuable.


Unfortunately, this doesn’t make sense. Nevertheless, when we take a close look at the file nomenclature, we can see that we have something like : /documents/YYYY-MM-DD-upload.pdf . You may wonder what happens if we change YYYY-MM-DD with numbers of our choice. Well, we can assume that we may potentially access other pdf files. However, impossible to be 100% sure until we test it. Let’s do it :


Guess what ? By changing the date to the 2nd of January, we have been able to access another file. That’s great ! Nevertheless, doing that manually could be time consuming. For that reason, we’re going to use this little python script to generate a date range :

import datetime

start = datetime.date(2020,1,1)

timelapse = 1080 # Dates from 2020-01-01 to 2022-12-31

dates = []

for day in range(timelapse):
d = (start + datetime.timedelta(days = day)).isoformat()

with open("dates.txt", "w") as f:
for d in dates:
f.write(d + '\n')

print("Dates successfully generated !")

The script above will generate a range of dates between 2020-01-01and 2022-12-31 , then save the output into a file called dates.txt in your current working directory. Here is how you can use it :

Generated a range of dates using a python script

Fantastic ! Once the dates generated, we use ffuf to enumerate the valid dates that correspond to a pdf file. To do that, we will apply a filter based on the http status code :

ffuf -ic -c -w dates.txt -u http://intelligence.htb/documents/FUZZ-upload.pdf -mc all -fc 404
Fuzzing dates

Awesome ! Now that we enumerated the pdf files, we will need to take a look at the content of these pdf documents to see if we can find anything of value.

Well, we will try to automate the process because it’s gonna be cumbersome to take a look at almost 100 pdfs :/

That said, let’sfirst download the pdf files then convert them into txt files using a tool called pdftotext :

Cleaning ffuf output using awk

Here, I used awk to isolate the dates from the rest of the output returned by ffuf . After that, I used a for loop and curl to download the pdf files :

for d in $(cat ../vdates.txt); do curl -s -O "http://intelligence.htb/documents/$d-upload.pdf"; done
Downloading the pdf files

Once the pdf files downloaded, we are going to convert them into plaintext files so that we can use grep to check whether or not they store any sensitive information. Here is the command, we will use :

for pdf_file in $(ls); do pdftotext $pdf_file; done
Converting pdf file into txt

Great ! Now that the pdf files are converted into txt, we can use grep to search for sensitive information :

grep -iE (pass|pwd|token|secret|api|login|user) *.txt

Here is a quick break down of the command above :

  • -i : ignores the case
  • -E : uses regular expressions
Searching for sensitive information using grep

Awesome ! As you can see, it seems that 2020-06-04-upload.txt stores juicy information. Let’s take a look at its content :

Default password found

Initial Access

In the previous section, we found the company’s default password. However, to successfully authenticate to the target system, we will need to find valid usernames. Well, let’s take a look at the PDF files’ metadata as they may store valuable information at times. Let’s extract these metadata to see if there is something interesting there :

Extracting pdf metadata

Haha, we found the creator’s name of the pdf file. Let’s see if we can perform the same operation for the remaining pdf files :

exiftool *.pdf | grep Creator | awk -F': ' '{ print $2 }'
Extracting usernames from pdf’s metadata

Guess what ? It worked. I have been able to extract usernames from the pdf files. Let’s now save these usernames in a file, then use kerbrute to check which ones are valid :

kerbrute userenum -d intelligence.htb --dc dc.intelligence.htb users.txt
Enumerating valid users with kerbrute

As you can see, all users are valid.

Fantastic ! We can now proceed with a password spraying attack. One known tool to do that is netexec . However, it is always good practice to know how to use different tools to perform one attack. Therefore, I decided to use kerbrute to perform that attack :

kerbrute passwordspray -d intelligence.htb --dc dc.intelligence.htb users.txt 'NewIntelligenceCorpUser9876'
Performing password spraying attack with kerbrute

Well, we got a successful login as Tiffany.Molina.

Let’s enumerate her shares using smbmap:

Shares enumeration
Users share content

Let’s mount the Users share on our system. I generally opt for that option rather than downloading the share because we may sometimes fall across large shares :

Mounting Users share in /mnt/intelligence/Users

After successfully mounting the share, we can take a look at its content using the ls command :

Tiffany’s folders

This seems to be Tiffany’s working directory.

We should normally be able to retrieve the user flag by checking her Desktop folder :


Awesome ! We got the user flag. Let’s go now for the root flag.

Lateral Movement (Tiffany -> Ted -> svc_int$)

In this section, we’re first going to collect the domain information, then use bloodhound to find interesting attack paths.

Collecting domain information

Here, we are going to use bloodhound-python to collect the domain information :

Collecting domain information using bloodhound-python

Let’s now visualize all this data in bloodhound.

One interesting feature of bloodhound is its Pre-Built Analytics Queries. These are predefined queries that you can use to discover interesting attack paths.

Let’s try for instance to enumerate the Domain Admins :

Domain Admins

I looked for things like kerberoasting, principals with DCSync rights, AS-REP roastable users but found nothing interesting.

Therefore, I decided to focus on SMB shares enumeration.

Note : I checked the SYSVOL and NETLOGON share but found nothing.

Knowing that Tiffany has read access to the IT share, we can take a look at its content using the following smbmap command :

IT share

Well, let’s mount the share on our attacker machine using mount.cifs :

Mounting IT share on our local machine

Once done, we can see that the share contains a powershell script downdetector.ps1 :


This script checks every 5 minutes the status of the web server. For that, it sends an http request to the web server with the default credentials of the user that run the script. Once the request sent, it checks if the returned status code is different from 200. If the status code is different from 200, it considers that the server is down and reports it to the user Ted Graves via email.

To take advantage of this script and obtain the credentials of the user that executes it, we are going to add a new web server to the domain’s DNS Zone. To do that, we can rely on dnstool. This is a python script used to add, modify and delete Active Directory Integrated DNS (ADIDNS) records via LDAP.

Add a new DNS record to the DomainDNSZones

Fantastic ! Our record web-exploit has been added successfully to the DomainDNSZones. We can check that using the following command :

Checking that our DNS record was successfully added to the DomainDNSZones

Note : As you can see, web-exploit is a A record that points to my IP address : . This means that when downdetector.ps1 will try to resolve web-exploit, it will point to my IP address and therefore I will receive the request.

To test that, we can launch a http server and see if we get any request :

HTTP server

Wonderful ! We indeed got a request from the target machine. Therefore to capture the user default’s credentials, we are going to useresponder .

Note : Please make sure to enable HTTP server in your responder’s configuration file located at /usr/share/responder/Responder.conf

Responder configuration file

Once done, you can launch responder by specifying the interface that corresponds to the IP address you used during the creation of your DNS record :

Launching responder
Capturing Ted.Graves’ Net-NTLMv2 hash

Excellent ! We captured Ted.Graves’ Net-NTLMv2 hash. Let’s now try to crack this hash using hashcat :

Net-NTLMNv2 hash cracked

We successfully cracked the Net-NTLMv2 hash. Let’s now check if we can authenticate to Ted.Graves’ account.

Authentication succeeded

Great ! The authentication succeeded.

As usual, let’s enumerate the shares :

Shares enumeration

Ted seems to have the same permissions as Tiffany. After taking a look at its shares, I found nothing top notch, therefore I went back to bloodhound.

Here, I first enumerated Ted’s group memberships :

First Degree Group Memberships

As you can see, Ted is part of the DOMAIN USERS group as well as the ITSUPPORT group.

Let’s now look for objects controlled by Ted. To find that, I clicked on the Group Delegated Object Control :

Group Delegated Object Control

Here, the group ITSUPPORT can retrieve the password of the Group Managed Service Account’s svc_int$. Knowing that Ted is part of the ITSUPPORT group, he can also retrieve the password of svc_int$.

Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) are a special type of Active Directory object, where the password is managed by and automatically changed by domain controllers on a set interval. The intended use of gMSA is to allow certain computer accounts to retrieve the password for the gMSA, then run local services as the gMSA.

To retrieve svc_int$’s password, we’re gonna use a tool call gMSADumper. This tool reads any gMSA password blobs the user can access and parses the values. Here is how we can use it to retrieve svc_int$’s password :

Dumping svc_int$’s NT hash using gMSADumper

Here again, we will check if we can authenticate to svc_int$ account using the NT hash return by gMSADumper :

Authentication succeeded

Fabulous ! The authentication succeeded.

Let’s enumerate svc_int$ ‘s shares :

Shares enumeration

Again, I found nothing meaningful. Therefore, I keep on with bloodhound by taking a look at svc_int$ ‘s properties :

svc_int$'s properties

As you can see, svc_int$ has trustedtoaauth property enabled which means there might be some kind of delegation.

After performing more enumeration, I found that svc_int$ has the constrained delegation privilege to the computer account DC as you can see on the image below :

svc_int$ has AllowedToDelegate privilege to DC

Awesome ! Let’s now try to escalate our privileges.

Privilege Escalation (svc_int$ -> Administrator)

In this section, we will exploit a constrained delegation privilege to escalate our privileges to Domain Admins.

The constrained delegation privilege allows a principal to authenticate as any user to specific services (found in the msds-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute) on the target computer. Therefore, an object with this privilege can impersonate any domain principal (including Domain Admins) to the specific service on the target host. One important caveat is that impersonated users can not be in the “Protected Users” security group or otherwise have delegation privileges revoked.

That being said, let’s first try to find the target’s service principal name (SPN) set in its msds-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute :

As you can see the SPN is www/dc.intelligence.htb.

After that, let’s check that DC is not part of the “Protected Users” security group by taking a look at its groups :

DC group memberships


Well, let’s now use impacket’s getST to get a service ticket for the administrator user :

Requesting a service ticket for the Administrator user

This provided us with a service ticket that we can then used with psexec to authenticate to the Administrator account :

Authenticated to the administrator account using cached credentials

Finally, we can retrieve the root flag and complete the challenge \0/


Key Techniques Used

Here are the main techniques that we cover in this box :

  • Creating a custom python script to brute force valid pdf files
  • Converting pdf files into plaintext files (pdftotext), then use grep with regex to search for sensitive information
  • Extracting pdf files’ metadata using exiftool
  • Adding a new DNS record into the DomainDNSZones using dnstools
  • Capturing and cracking Net-NTLMv2 hash using responder
  • Visualizing domain information in bloodhound to find interesting attack paths for lateral movement and privilege escalation
  • Reading gMSA password using gMSADumper
  • Exploiting a constrained delegation privilege using bloodhound and impacket’s getST script

Wrap Up

That’s it guys. Congrats on having made it so far 👏

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Written by 0liverFlow

Pentester | Enjoy breaking and building stuffs

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